"Business opportunities are like buses, 

there's always another one coming."

Richard Branson

Sales & Marketing

Your business has done a great job so far. It has created a great brand, developed and procured products. All that is left now is to sell them. 

The earlier stages are by and large in your control. Yes, you need to first formulate the product list, whether it be evolution or revolution, and work hard sourcing manufacturers or suppliers along with putting in place the necessary logistics solutions. However, you were in control of making that happen. 

It is Sales & Marketing that will now generate the revenue and they require decisions from outsiders. Marketing now needs to deliver for Sales to reap the rewards and the decision to buy your products are not yours. 

Do you have a marketing strategy to deliver your business goals? 

Does the sales team have the training, materials and tools that they need to bring in their targets?